SEGA SC-3000 Survivors, all for SEGA SC-3000

SC-3000 Survivors is aimed at all those who have a passion for and preserve the memory of this 8-Bit Home Computer.
This site will be the home of the SEGA SC-3000 computer and all the accessories that have been made for it. Its mission is to become a reference guide for all retrocomputing enthusiasts who want to learn more about the SC-3000 or want to travel back in time with it.
The latest articles/news
The return of the prodigal son

Finally, they return, somebody would say. It sounds impossible but sometimes things are going in one direction, and you can feel the signs everywhere.
The resurrection of this website, the contact with an old friend that fixed his SF-7000, and finally a nice guy that decided to sell his SF-7000 to me.
After 4 years this unit is back in my hands, ready to contribute to this preservation project with information, tutorials, and demos!
SEGA SC-3000 Mk II Multicart
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No - it's the SC-3000 Survivors Mk II Multicart!
The Mk II Multicart can play all the known SC-3000 or SG-1000 ROMs, and it comes with over 70 pieces of tape software.
Astrododge for SEGA SG-1000/SC-3000

Astrododge is the first original game release for the Sega SG-1000/SC-3000 console and computer in almost 30 years! The game is available on a cartridge and runs on the Sega Sg-1000, SG-1000 II, SC-3000 computer and Sega Mark3 systems.
Visit: Revival-Studios
SEGA SC-3000 Online demos

We have started a demo section showroom! Machine code, Basic or Hybrid demos will be included to show SC-3000 computer features.
If you want you can send us yours and we will publish it!